
Massage can effectively treat many health problems - muscle tension, back and headaches, stress. In addition, massage is wonderfully relaxing, helps to achieve or restore body and soul balance, body pH balance, sense of well-being and peace of mind, and increases vitality and self-confidence. In all massages, we use natural aromatic massage oils made in Harmoonikum.

MassaažiliikDuration (min)Price (€)
Harmoonikum aroma massage
(Relaxing, energizing, uplifting or sensual)
60 / 9060 € / 80 €
Honey massage 60 / 90 / 12065 € / 85 € / 105 €
Cellulite massage30 / 6040 € / 65 €
Cupping massage30 / 6040 € / 65 €
Chocolate massage (with real chocolate)90 min90 €
Ugri-mugri herbal-buckwheat compress massage90 min90  €
Ancient Estonian massage (performed in light clothes)60 / 90 / 12060 € / 80 € /100 €

As therapy, you can take whole body meridian-regulating energy channel massage with point massage - there used the wisdom of Chinese medicine. As a result, energy begins to flow more freely in the body, the work of organs is stimulated and several problems are prevented.

1 hour /70.-€